Lapwing Lane 25/10/2000
Colin H and I saw ISS and the Shuttle on Saturday night in Colin's back garden...
Paul Clark's Observation 21/10/2000
Saturday 21st October, the forecast was for a clear and frosty night. An opportunity to try and find some really dark sky.
Gradbach Hill / Part Deux: the return!
I wasn’t going to write up anything about this trip. I’m sure people have heard enough from me by now however...
Dave Timperley at Lamaload
On Saturday, 30th September, Don Utton, Paul Clark, Paul Brierley and myself went to observe at Lamaload reservoir.
The IAU in UMIST, Manchester, UK, August, 2000
Thursday, 17th August, the IAU celebrity lecture at UMIST was again hosted by Patrick Moore and featured Prof.
A Supernova Discoverer's Diary 24th Feb 1987
Observed in the evening. Suspected a super nova in the large magellanic cloud near 30 Doradus!