From Muscat in Oman
I went to the 2nd Colloquium on Astronomy in the Middle East in Al Ain, UAE
Fire Ball Discovery?
Much debate on the ADAS@YAHOO news group about the fireball seen late Saturday night. Some think it was a NASA satellite re-entry others...
Comet Ikeya-Zhang Confirmed
Paul C has confirmed a prediction that Comet Ikeya-Zhang will pass very close to M31 at or about 4th April
Supernova Discovery 31/1/2002
A supernova has been discovered in M74, announced on IAU Circular 7810 today.
A Supernova Discoverer's Diary 24th Feb 1987
Observed in the evening. Suspected a super nova in the large magellanic cloud near 30 Doradus!Â