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Perseids? What Perseids?

It seems the weather in the good old North-West of England has lived up to it's usual reputation,

Timperley Country Fair 2002

This year ADAS attended the Timperley Country Fair on Saturday 21st September.

From Muscat in Oman

I went to the 2nd Colloquium on Astronomy in the Middle East in Al Ain, UAE

May Dark Sky at Llyn Brenig

After a late departure (from the GM) I had a disastrous arrival at Llyn Brenig! 

April 2002 Newsletter


Fire Ball Discovery?

Much debate on the ADAS@YAHOO news group about the fireball seen late Saturday night. Some think it was a NASA satellite re-entry others...

March 2002 Newsletter

The monthly meeting will be held on Friday, 1st March, at Timperley Village Hall, 8  pm. Graham Sinagola will be speaking on...

1st April Observation - Roger L.

The front cleared Manchester in the early evening and with the Moon not rising till late it offered an excellent chance to catch the comet.

February 2002 Newsletter

The monthly meeting will be held at Timperley Village Hall, Friday 1st February, at 8 pm. The guest speaker for the evening will be Tim...

Comet Ikeya-Zhang Confirmed

Paul C has confirmed a prediction that Comet Ikeya-Zhang will pass very close to M31 at or about 4th April

Supernova Discovery 31/1/2002

A supernova has been discovered in M74, announced on IAU Circular 7810 today.

January 2002 Newsletter

The Monthly Meeting will be held at the usual time and place on Friday, 4th January. Presentations will be given by Bin Wu, speaking on...


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