Name | Link | Compatability | Description | Cost |
PHD Guiding | https://openphdguiding.org | Windows, MacOS | Auto-guiding software for telescopes | Free |
ASCOM | https://ascom-standards.org/ | Windows (Linux & MacOS soon) | Standard interface for range of astronomy equipment | Free |
GuideDog | http://barkosoftware.com/GuideDog/index.html | Windows | Auto-guiding software for telescopes | Free |
MetaGuide | https://www.smallstarspot.com | Windows | Auto-guiding software for telescopes | Free |
LTImage | https://www.schoolsobservatory.org/help/ltimage | Windows | Easy-to-use software by NSO to edit FITS images (aimed at schools and beginners) | Free |
FITS Liberator | https://noirlab.edu/public/products/fitsliberator/ | Windows, MacOS | Imaging Package | Free |
GIMP | https://www.gimp.org | Windows, MacOS, Linux | Image Processing | Free |
IRIS | http://www.astrosurf.com/buil/iris-software.html | Windows | Imaging Package | Free |
Aperture Photometry Tool | https://aperturephotometry.org | Windows, MacOS | For photometry of images | Free |
WinJUPOS | http://jupos.org | Windows | Locating impacts on objects in the Solar System | Free |
Celestia | https://celestia.space/download.html | Windows, Linux, MacOS | 3D simulated universe, with thousands of objects used in the simulation | Free |
Stellarium | http://www.stellarium.org | Windows, Mac, Linux | Live Planetarium | Free |
Gaia Sky | https://zah.uni-heidelberg.de/gaia/outreach/gaiasky | Windows/Linux/MacOS | Look at a visualisation of the Gaia data so you can jump from one end of the Milky Way to the other | Free |
Cartes du Ciel | http://www.ap-i.net/skychart/en/start | Windows, Linux, MacOS | Software to draw sky charts | Free |
K Stars | https://edu.kde.org/kstars/ | Windows, MacOS, Linux | Helps with planning sessions, with a simulation of the sky, FOV calculator etc. | Free |
Virtual Moon Atlas | http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualmoon// | Windows, Linux | Software for Moon observation and survey | Free |
TiltSun | http://www.salisburyu3a.org.uk/SciTech/Abergavenny/Sci-Tech2012/Rainbows/www.atoptics.co.uk/tiltdld.htm | Windows 10 and below | Helps you find out the orientation of the Sun for use during eclipses | Free |
Adobe Photoshop | https://www.adobe.com/uk/creativecloud/catalog/desktop.html | Windows, MacOS, Linux | Image Processing | £19.97/month inc. VAT |
SAO Image DS9 | https://sites.google.com/cfa.harvard.edu/saoimageds9 | MacOS, Windows, Linux | Display and visualise astronomical images to scientifically analyse them | Free |
Astro Image J | https://www.astro.louisville.edu/software/astroimagej/ | Windows, MacOS, Linux | Image processing and photometry | Free |
Raw Therapee | https://www.rawtherapee.com | Windows, MacOS, Linux | Software to process raw image | Free |
Siril | https://siril.org | Windows, MacOS, Linux | Image processing tool | Free |
Registax 6 | http://astrophotography-telescope.com/download-registax-6-free-stacking-software-and-image-processing/ | Linux/Windows | Planetary Video Processing Software (malware on official site) | Free |
StarStax | https://markus-enzweiler.de/software/starstax/#download | MacOS, Windows, Linux | Combining Sub-Exposures and Star Trails Stacking | Free |
Deep Sky Stacker | http://deepskystacker.free.fr/english/index.html | Windows | Combining Sub-Exposures | Free |
Lynkeos | https://lynkeos.sourceforge.io/wiki/index.php/Download | MacOS | Planetary Video Processing Software | Free |
Startrails | https://www.startrails.de/#download | Windows | Star Trails Stacking | Free |
AutoStakkert! 2 | https://www.autostakkert.com/wp/download// | Windows | Planetary Video Processing Software | Free |
Sharp Cap | https://www.sharpcap.co.uk/ | Windows (vista to 7) | Live stacking and imaging software for use with cameras | Free/£10 per year |
digiCamControl | http://digicamcontrol.com | Windows (Canon & Nikon DSLR) | Camera Control | Free |
FireCapture | http://www.firecapture.de | Windows, MacOS, Linux, Blackberry | Planetary Webcam Control | Free |
IC Capture | https://www.theimagingsource.com/support/downloads-for-windows/end-user-software/iccapture/ | Windows (except Windows XP) | Imaging source webcam control | Free |
With help from Apendix G, The Art of Astrophotography by Ian Morison, ISBN 978-1-316-61841-7, published by the Cambridge Univeristy Press in Cambridge, UK; and Rodger Livermore's talk at ADAS on 4th June 2021.
With help from "Astronomy Sites" Sea and Sky, "List of Best Space and Astronomy Websites" Astronomy Trek. Both accessed 4th July 2020.
Name | Link | Description |
Society for Popular Astronomy | https://www.popastro.com/main_spa1/ | SPA Website |
International Astronomical Union | http://www.iau.org/ | IAU's Website |
Astronomy Digest | http://www.ianmorison.com | Ian Morison's collection of tips & tricks for amateur astronomers |
Go Stargazing | https://gostargazing.co.uk/ | Find public stargazing events and locations in the UK |
BAA | https://britastro.org | BAA website |
FAS | http://fedastro.org.uk/ | FAS website |
StarDate | https://stardate.org | Resources from McDonald Observatory, Texas |
Aenigmatis | https://aenigmatis.com/astronomy/find/sagittarius.htm | Many amateur astronomy resources from Martin J. Powell |
Astrometry.net | http://nova.astrometry.net/ | Find out what your image of the night sky is of |
Online Narrowband RGB Combination Preview Tool | https://www.bintel.com.au/narrowband-preview-tool/?v=322b26af01d5 | Find out what different combinations of your RGB images look like with a tool by Dylan O’Donnell |
Symbols & References | https://space.fm/astronomy/tools/symbols.html | A guide to all astronomy jargon |
Astronomy Tools | https://astronomy.tools | A collection of useful, free astronomy tools (like calculators) |
NSO Simulators & Calculators | https://www.schoolsobservatory.org/discover/sims-cals | Fun simulators and calculators, from gravity on other planets to how old you would be if you lived on a different planet |
Cruxis | http://www.cruxis.com | Telescope Data Calculators |
12 Dimensional String Astronomy Tools | https://www.12dstring.me.uk | A selection of useful calculators and other astronomy tools |
Cal Sky | https://www.calsky.io/en/ | Astronomical calculator to plan observing |
Bintel Astronomy Calculator & Simulator | https://www.bintel.com.au/tools/astronomy-calculator/?v=322b26af01d5 | Find what combination of telescope and camera is best for you with a tool by Dylan O’Donnell |
NASA Planetary Fact Sheets | https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/ | Up-to-date stats about bodies in the solar system |
Telesopius | https://telescopius.com | Deep sky objects database, telescope simulator, astrophotography mosaic planner, astrophotographer social network |
Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia | http://exoplanet.eu | Exoplanet catalogue and database |
JPL Horizons System | https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/ | Input any object in the solar system and get the most accurate and up to date information out |
NASA Exoplanet Catalogue | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/discovery/exoplanet-catalog/ | Exoplanet catalogue and database |
NASA Exoplanet Archive | https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu | Exoplanet catalogue and database |
Gravity and Orbits Simulation by PHET | https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/gravity-and-orbits | Gravity simulation where you can play about with the gravity of different object and see what would happen |
Suntrek | http://www.suntrek.org | Educational tools focused on the Sun |
Hubble Legacy Archive | http://hla.stsci.edu | Look at and edit archived images from the Hubble Space Telescope |
Globe at Night | https://www.globeatnight.org/webapp/ | Report on light pollution in your area |
Commission for Dark Skies | https://britastro.org/dark-skies/index.php | Commission for Dark Skies website |
Avex Light Pollution Map | https://avex-asso.org/dossiers/pl/europe-2016/ | Detailed light pollution map of Europe by Frédéric Tapissier (in French) |
England's Light Pollution and Dark Skies | https://www.nightblight.cpre.org.uk/maps/ | Detailed map of light pollution in England |
Lightpollutionmap.info | https://lightpollutionmap.info | Interactive light pollution map of the world to help you find where best to stargaze |
Dark Sky Discovery | https://www.darkskydiscovery.org.uk | Helpful tools to make use of the UK's dark skies |
Astropedia | https://astrogeology.usgs.gov/search | Lunar and planetary map database from the US Geological Survey |
Meteor Map | https://tammojan.github.io/meteormap/ | Map of all the latest meteor detections worldwide by the Global Meteor Network |
arXiv Cornell University | https://arxiv.org | Wide variety of scholarly articles about astronomy |
Astronomy.co.uk | https://www.astronomy.co.uk | Space and astronomy news site |
Universe Today | https://www.universetoday.com | Space and astronomy news site |
Space.com | https://www.space.com | Space and astronomy news site |
PDS Image Atlas | https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/search | All images from NASA missions, searchable. |
NASA Photojournal | https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/ | Select photos from NASA missions |
Space Telescope Live | https://spacetelescopelive.org | Live information on what JWST and Hubble are looking at and why. |
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day | https://apod.nasa.gov | A new and exiting astronomy image every day |
Heavens Above Live Sky View | https://www.heavens-above.com/skyview/?lat=53.3977&lng=-2.317&cul=en#/livesky | Online planetarium with live views of satellites that may interfere with astrophotography |
NASA Sky Map | https://www.nasa.gov/skymap/full/ | Map of where many objects objects of interest are, along with info about each one |
Stellarium Web | https://stellarium-web.org | Online planetarium, like Stellarium's software |
Solar System Trek | https://trek.nasa.gov | Maps by NASA of many objects in the Solar System |
HRSC webGIS Mars map | https://maps.planet.fu-berlin.de | Map of Mars using satellite imagery |
Interactive Sky Chart | https://skyandtelescope.org/interactive-sky-chart/ | The Sky & Telescope's online interactive sky chart |
Sky-Map | http://www.sky-map.org | Map which consolidates information about space objects. |
NASA/JPL Solar System Simulator | https://space.jpl.nasa.gov | Gives an simulation image of the solar system/an object in it |
ESASky | https://sky.esa.int/ | Visualise and download public astronomical data |
Constellation Maps | https://www.iau.org/public/themes/constellations/ | Sky maps of each constellation by Sky&Telescope and the International Astronomical Union |
Heavens Above | https://www.heavens-above.com | Helping observe and track astronomical objects |
JPL CNEOS | https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/ | List of current NEOs and timings of close approaches |
The Sky Live | https://theskylive.com | Data (like current apparent magnitude) on known astronomical objects |
Occultation Predictions | https://occultations.org/observing/occultation-predictions/ | Predictions of occultations happening in the future |
JPL Small-Body Database | https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi | Data for all know asteroids and many comets |
The Night Sky this Month | http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/astronomy/nightsky/ | A guide to what's up in the night sky by Ian Morison |
Celestial Almanac | https://skyandtelescope.org/wp-content/plugins/observing-tools/almanac/almanac.html?latitude=53.398&longitude=2.317&tzone=0&UTdate=now&UTtime=now | Brief overview of astronomical info for your area by the Sky & Telescope |
MrEclipse.com | http://mreclipse.com | Information for observing eclipses by the NASA Scientist Emeritus, Fred Espenak |
NASA | https://www.nasa.gov | NASA website |
ESA | https://www.esa.int | ESA website |
IAC Talks | http://iactalks.iac.es | Talks by many speakers about astronomy based topics (some are in Spanish) |
SpaceWeather.com | https://www.spaceweather.com | A helpful current list of all things space weather, from aurorae to sunspots |
Clear Outside | http://clearoutside.com/forecast/53.40/-2.32 | Astronomy forecast, including cloud cover, visibility and ISS flyover times |
Alaskan Northern Lights Webcam | http://allsky.gi.alaska.edu | An amazing view of the northern lights daily |
NISP Data Products | https://gong2.nso.edu/products/mainView/table.php?configFile=configs/mainView.cfg | Up to date imagery of the Sun through various methods and at a variety of locations on Earth |
ISS Live Stream | https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/ | Live stream from a camera onboard the ISS |
With help from "Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books" Space.com, "Best Astronomy Books for Beginners" Telescope Adviser and "Best Astronomy Books" I Love the Universe. All accessed 15th July 2020.
Don't forget with a library card you may be able to access some books for free on Borrow Box (click here to look) or at your local library
Name | Author | Publisher | Description | Origional Cost |
Atlas of the Universe | Patrick Moore | Philip's | Detailed informaiton on astronomy and its history, including maps and catalogues | £25 |
Celestial Objects for Modern Telescopes | Michael A. Covington | Cambridge University Press | Traditional and novel approaches to studying the night sky | £38.00 |
Digital SLR Astrophotography | Michael A. Covington | Cambridge University Press | How to photography the night sky with a digital SLR camera | £27.99 |
Exoplanet Observing for Amateurs | Bruce L. Gary | CreateSpace | How to observe exoplanet transits | €28.62 |
Guide to the Night Sky | Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion | Royal Museums Greenwich | Month-by-month guide to exploring skies above Britain and Ireland | £6.99 |
Lunar and Planetary Webcam User's Guide | Martin Mobberley | Springer | How to use webcams to image astronomical objects | €34.31 |
Mathematical Astronomy for Amateurs | E. A. Beet | W. W. Norton & Company Ltd. | Practical calculations for astronomers | £13.99 |
Night Sky Atlas | Robin Scagell and Will Tirion | Philip's | All the maps needed to learn your way round the night sky | £14.99 |
Practical Astronomy | Storm Dunlop | Philip's | Basic concepts of astronomy, lists of objects and star charts | £9.99 |
Spectroscopy The Key to the Stars: Reading the Lines in Stellar Spectra | Keith Robinson | Springer | All information to carry out amateur observational spectroscoopy | €21.11 |
Spectroscopy for Amateur Astronomers | Marc F. M. Trypsteen and Richard Walker | Cambridge University Press | Thoretical and practical elements of spectroscopy | £39.99 |
Star Ware | Philip S. Harrington | John Wiley and Sons | Guide to choosing, buying and using telescopes and accessories | £14.99 |
Stargazing Basics Getting Started in Recreational Astronomy | Paul E. Kinzer | Cambridge University Press | Covers information to get you started in astronomy | £14.99 |
Stargazing Beginners Guide to Astronomy | Radmila Topalovic and Tom Kerss | Collins | Introdution to the night sky and how to observe it | £9.99 |
Stargazing Month-by-Month to the Night Sky | Heather Couper and Nigel Henbest | Philip's | Month-by-month to the what to observe | £6.99 |
The 100 Best Astrophotography Targets | Ruben Kier | Springer | Guide to specifically target the best objects for amatuer astrophotographers | €36.39 |
The Art of Astrophotography | Ian Morison | Cambridge University Press | Essential details of how to produce good astronomical images | £29.99 |
The New Astronomy Guide Stargazing in the Digital Age | Patrick Moore and Pete Lawrence | Carlton Books | Principles of astronomy and practical observing techniques | £16.99 |
The Northern Lights Celestial Performances of the Aurora Borealis | Daryl Pederson and Calvin Hall | Sasquatch Books | How to photograph the aurora borealis | $19.95 |
With help from "Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books" Space.com, "Best Astronomy Books for Beginners" Telescope Adviser and "Best Astronomy Books" I Love the Universe. All accessed 15th July 2020.
Don't forget with a library card you may be able to access some books for free on Borrow Box (click here to look) or at your local library
Name | Author | Publisher | Description | Origional Cost |
A Brief History of Time | Stephen Hawking | Bantam Books | A journey from the beginning to the end of time, with clear language and in a succinct fashion. | £9.99 |
Asteroid Hunters | Carrie Nugent | Ted Books | The story of finding asteroids and using modern technology to save the Earth from the disaster one could cause. | £8.99 |
Atlas of the Universe | Patrick Moore | Philip's | Descriptions on eveything from the atmosphere to Jupiter moons to the messier objects. | £25 |
Brief Answers to the Big Questions | Stephen Hawking | John Murray | Easy to follow explinations to ten big questions. | £8.99 |
Catching Stardust | Natalie Starkey | Bloomsbury Publishing | Takes away misconseptions about comets and asteroids, and explores what they are and our evolving relationship with them. | £11.89 |
Dark Matter and Dark Energy | Brian Clegg | Icon Books | A simple and
comprehendible introduction to the questions of dark matter and dark energy | £6.99 |
Death by Black Hole: And other Cosmic Quandaries | Neil deGrasse Tyson | W. W. Norton & Company | A blend of different topics about different parts of the universe, from black holes to the search for life. | £11.99 |
Facts from Space! | Dean Regas | Adams Media | Gathering together many mind-blowing facts about the universe as a great place to start your journey into space science. | £10.99 |
Finding Our Place in the Universe | Hélène Courtois | MIT Press | Journey to discover the Milky Way's location in the universe. | $24.95 |
Gravitational Waves | Brian Clegg | Icon Books | All about gravitational waves and how we observe them | £9.99 |
Out There | Mike Wall | Grand Central Publishing | An exploration into the search for life, if we can make it to them and, if we could, their potential reaction of meeting us. | $27 |
The Planet Factory | Elizabeth Tasker | Bloomsbury Publishing | The story of exoplanets, their formation, how to detect them, and the search for the next Earth. | £9.99 |
The Universe | Lonely Planet | Lonely Planet | A descriptive overview of the universe, from the Sun to exoplanets. | £22.99 |
The Zoomable Universe | Caleb Sharf | Macmillan | Explores the formation of many things from life to galaxies, and concepts like quantum theory, with the help of colourful illustrations whilst going through the universe, from large to small scale. | $28.00 |
With help from "Magazines and Journals" Sky & Telescope. Accessed 4th July 2020.
Don't forget with a library card you may be able to access some magazines for free on Overdrive (click here to have a look) or at your local library
Name | Publisher | Description | Origional Cost per Issue |
All About Space | My Favourite Magazines | In-depth astronomical articles, maps and images | £4.99 |
Astronomy Magazine | Kalmbach Media | Observing tips, astrophotography, science and telescope reviews | $5.99 |
Astronomy Now Magazine | Pole Star Publications Limited | UK astronomy tips and space science articles | £4.50-£5.50 |
Sky & Telescope Magazine | AAS Sky Publishing LLC | Current celestial events, news, research, observing resources and astronomy equipment reviews | $5.99-$6.99 |
The Sky at Night Magazine | Immediate Media Company Limited & BBC Studios | Many interesting stories on astronomy and maps per month | £5.50 |
With help from "Bingeworthy space and astronomy podcasts for those in self-isolation" The Sky at Night Magazine, and "15 space and astronomy podcasts that are out of this world". Salon. Both accessed 4th July 2020.
Name | Link | Hosts | Description |
365 Days of Astronomy | https://cosmoquest.org/x/365DaysofAstronomy/ | Various Astronomers round the world | Daily podcast about astronomy from people around the world |
Astro Radio | https://www.astroradio.earth | Various People | Radio station with shows about everything astronomy related |
Astronomy Cast | http://www.astronomycast.com | Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay | Weekly discussions on astronomical topics |
Awesome Astronomy | http://awesomeastronomy.com | Ralph Wilkins, Jen Millard and Paul Hill | Explores current space science |
ESA Explores | https://esaexplores.podbean.com | Various people | The official ESA podcast takes a look at various astronomy topics related to ESA |
European Space Agency | https://soundcloud.com/esa | Various People | Lots of different and current topics about space are discussed |
Hostile Worlds: Exploring Space | https://hostileworlds.net | David Ault, Collin Grey, Matthew McLean and Sarah Golding | Semi-dramatised travelogue around the hostile locations in the solar system |
Jodcast | http://www.jodcast.net | Astronomers based at the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank | Monthly astronomy news, interviews and questions |
Look Up! | https://soundcloud.com/user-429302439/sets/look-up-2021 | Various people | Monthly podcast highlighting the important things to look for in the night sky that month |
Main Engine Cut Off | https://mainenginecutoff.com/podcast | Anthony Colangelo | Weekly discussions on spaceflight, exploration, policy and strategy |
NASA's Curious Universe | https://www.nasa.gov/curiousuniverse | Various people | NASA talks about various astronomy concepts and NASA activities |
Naked Astronomy | https://www.thenakedscientists.com/podcasts/astronomy-podcasts | Richard Hollingham and Sue Nelson | Monthly astronomy news |
Planetary Radio | https://www.planetary.org/multimedia/planetary-radio/ | Mat Kaplan | Weekly news on space exploration, astronomy and science |
Radio Astronomy | https://play.acast.com/s/radio-astronomy | Ezzy Pearson and Iain Todd | Latest space and astronomy news by the creators of the BBC Sky at Night Magazine |
Small Steps, Giant Leaps | https://appel.nasa.gov/podcast/ | Various people | Fortnightly chat with the NASA scientists and engineers that make it happen |
Spacepod | https://www.listentospacepod.com | Carrie Nugent | Discussions on a part of the universe with an expert guest |
The Actual Astronomy Podcast | https://actualastronomy.com | Chris and Shane | Regular podcast on practical astronomy |
The Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry | https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07dx75g | Hannah Fry, Adam Rutherford | Weekly podcast on science questions (including on astronomical matters) sent in by listeners |
The Interplanetary Podcast | https://www.interplanetary.org.uk/podcast | Matthew Russell, Jamie Franklin, Julio Aprea, Crhis Carney, Harriet Brettle | Weekly podcast on space science |
The Super-Massive Podcast | https://ras.ac.uk/podcast | Izzie Clarke, Dr. Becky Smethurst | Looking at astronomical history and the latest research every month |
Travelers in the Night | https://sites.google.com/site/travelersinthenight/home | AI Grauer | Asteroid, comet, moon and planet updates |
With help from bbc.co.uk, and "Do you want to learn more about stars?". Under Lucky Stars. Both accessed 16th July 2020.
Name | Current Presenter(s) (all if discontinued) | Current Network(s) (origional if discontinued) | Description | Updated? |
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage | Carl Sagan | PBS | Covers a wide range of astronomical subjects, including the origins of life and our place in the universe | 1980 |
Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey | Neil deGrasse Tyson | Fox, National Geographic Channel | Explaining what the subject has to offer in today's world after the leaps it has taken since 1980 | 2014 |
Cosmos: Possible Worlds | Neil deGrasse Tyson | National Geographic Channel | Latest planetary science and astrobiology | 2020 |
Horizon | Various people | BBC Two | Monthly documentary series on the latest science stories, including some astronomical stories | Monthly |
How the Universe Works | Mike Rowe | Science Channel | Latest science on various astronomical topics | Yearly series (January to March) |
Star Gazers | Trace Dominguez | PBS | Weekly series on naked eye astronomy | Weekly |
The Sky at Night | Chris Lintott, Maggie Aderin-Pocock | BBC Four | Monthly documentary series on the latest astronomical news and information on what you can see in the night sky | Monthly |
The Universe | Erik Thomson, Gerrard McArthur | The History Channel, H2 | Looks at many astronomical topics and explains them with computer graphics | 2007-2015 |
Through a Wormhole | Morgan Freeman | Science Channel | Explaining the many astronomical topics and consepts, some relevant to the time | 2011-2018 |
Wonders of the Solar System | Brian Cox | BBC Two, Science Channel | Each episode focuses on a different part of the solar system | 2010 |
Wonders of the Universe | Brian Cox | BBC Two, BBC HD | Explinations of fundamental scientific principles and laws of the universe | 2011 |
With help from Youtube and "20 Astronomy Youtube Channels For Astronauts". Feedspot. Both accessed 15th July 2020.
Name | Presenter(s) | Link | Description |
DeepSkyVideos | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/user/DeepSkyVideos | Exploring deep space one video at a time |
Dr. Becky | Becky Smethurst | https://www.youtube.com/c/DrBecky | Focus on what and how we know things about astronomy |
ESA | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/user/ESA | Current astronomical news explained and missions shown |
NASA | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision | Current scientific endevours (like space missions) shown and astronomical questions explained |
PBS Space Time | Matt O'Dowd | https://www.youtube.com/c/pbsspacetime/ | Explaining big astronomy questions and the possibilities of science fiction |
SciShow Space | Hank Green, Caitlin Hofmeister, Reid Reimers | https://www.youtube.com/user/scishowspace | Ground breaking discoveries explained and astronomical questions answered |
Sixty Symbols | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/user/sixtysymbols | From the University of Nottingham, looking at a variety of astronomical and physics topics and explaining big questions |
SpaceRip | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaceRip | Big questions answered and current astronomical news explained |
The Royal Institution | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/user/theroyalinstitution | Lectures on a range of scientific topics, inculding astronomy |
UK Space Agency | Various People | https://www.youtube.com/user/spacegovuk | UK astronomy news and astronomical consepts explained |
With help from Twitter and "15 Accounts for Space Nerds". Mental Floss. Both accessed 15th July 2020.
Name | Link | Description |
@AstroADAS | https://twitter.com/AstroADAS | The official Twitter page of Altrincham and District Astronomical Society |
@Avertedvision | https://twitter.com/Avertedvision | Pete Lawrence promotes various astronomical events along with some astrophotography |
@BBCStargazing | https://twitter.com/BBCStargazing | Promoting the BBC TV programme and giving information on the latest astronomy news and weather |
@BadAstronomer | https://twitter.com/BadAstronomer | Latest news and space images explained by Phil Plait |
@ISS_Research | https://twitter.com/ISS_Research | Current NASA research and science onboard the space station |
@Matt_Heverly | https://twitter.com/Matt_Heverly | Current news from inside Mars missions and NASA's JPL |
@NASA | https://twitter.com/NASA | Latest NASA news on science and missions |
@NASAExoplanets | https://twitter.com/NASAExoplanets | Latest news of the discoveries and science of exoplanets |
@NASAHubble | https://twitter.com/NASAHubble | Latest Hubble news from NASA |
@NASAVoyager | https://twitter.com/NASAVoyager | Voyager 1 and 2 latest news on use of the data and current data collected, as well as their position |
@NLCalerts | https://twitter.com/NLCalerts | Alerts you to any sightings of noctilucent clouds, so you can predict their appearance |
@RoyalAstroSoc | https://twitter.com/royalastrosoc | Latest astronomy news in the UK and worldwide |
@SpaceX | https://twitter.com/SpaceX | Current news in the growing private aerospace manufacturer |
@_SpaceWeather | https://twitter.com/_SpaceWeather_ | Weather in space including aurora |
@apod | https://twitter.com/apod | Daily image of the universe with an explination |
@astro_reid | https://twitter.com/astro_reid | NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman's look on current astronomy news |
@astro_timpeake | https://twitter.com/astro_timpeake | 1st British ESA astronaut Tim Peake's insight into current astronomical news and life on the ISS |
@esa | https://twitter.com/esa | Updates on ESA activites |
@lowflyingrocks | https://twitter.com/lowflyingrocks | When an object passes within 0.2AU of the Earth, @lowflyingrocks alerts you |
@spacegovuk | https://twitter.com/spacegovuk | Latest UK efforts in space and UK space science |
Name | Link | Description |
Astronomy.com Newsletter | https://astronomy.com/magazine/newsletter | Space news, along with astronomical events, members pics and offers. |
BAA Alerts | https://britastro.org/baa-alerts | Alerts you to all the current transient astronomical events that need urgent observation. |
BBC The Sky at Night Magazine Newsletter | https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/newsletter/ | What to see in the night sky, tips on viewing, kit reviews and space news. |
ESA Newsletter | https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/EUESA/subscribers/new?preferences=true | Newsletter on all current ESA activities and events . |
FAS Newsletter | http://fedastro.org.uk/fas/publications/newsletter-back-issues/ | FAS related news, alongside current astronomy related news (no email subscription). |
JPL Newsletter | https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/signup/index.php | Get all the news from NASA's JPL |
Jodrell Bank Newsletter | https://www.jodrellbank.net | Latest news on events at Jodrell Bank (at bottom of page). |
NASA Mars Newsletter | https://mars.nasa.gov/newsletter-subscribe/ | Newsletter on all current science on Mars |
NASA Newsletter | https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/hHN32CZ/nasagov | Newsletter on all current NASA activities. |
Nature Briefing Newsletter | https://www.nature.com/briefing/signup/ | Roundup of daily science news, including astronomy |
New Scientist Space Newsletter | https://www.newscientist.com/sign-up/launchpad/ | Weekly (every Friday) newsletter on current space related news |
Planetary Science Institute Newsletter | http://eepurl.com/hamPVb | Giving a weekly roundup of all planetary science news |
Science Daily Newsletter | https://www.sciencedaily.com/newsletters.htm | Newsletter of all current science. |
Timeanddate.com Newsletter | https://www.timeanddate.com/newsletter/ | Current astronomy news, from what meteor shower is happening when to what type of full moon it is. |
UK Space Agency Newsletter | https://space.blog.gov.uk/subscribe/ | Updates on all UK Space Agency activities. |
arXiv Cornell University Newsletter | https://arxiv.org/help/subscribe | Current science in all areas from black holes to telescope design |
Name | Link | Description |
ADAS | https://www.astroadas.space/blog-feed.xml | A direct link, giving your the latest astronomy/ADAS related news |
ESA | http://www.esa.int/Services/RSS_Feeds | In the "Related Links" section is a list of 10 rss feeds, plus regional ones, relating to ESA operations |
NASA | https://www.nasa.gov/content/nasa-rss-feeds | A list of RSS feeds relating to current science, NASA operations and podcasts |
New Scientist | https://feeds.newscientist.com/space | A copiable link, giving you the latest space stories from New Scientist |
Science Daily | https://www.sciencedaily.com/newsfeeds.htm | A list of RSS feeds to get the most up-to-date science. |
Space.com | https://www.space.com/feeds/all | A direct link, giving you all the latest space related news |
UK Space Agency Blog | https://space.blog.gov.uk/feed/ | A direct link, keeping you up-to-date with the space agency's activities |
Universe Today | https://www.universetoday.com/feed/ | A direct link, alerting you to new astronomy related articles |
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