We got "clear" skies for the first total lunar eclipse of the Millennium on Tuesday 9th January 2001. Can you honestly believe it? ADAS used the AAC video cam to record parts of the eclipse and was able to video the time of occultation of TYC 1359-1014-1 for our site in Timperley as 19hrs 46mins 35secs. The Sky Map Pro7 planisphere program predicted time had been 19:45:0. Not bad agreement? We missed the other disappearances of stars TYC 1372-1262-1 and TYC 1372-1115-1. All three reappearances were missed. Never mind it was good fun. The media interest was remarkable. The most notable feature from Timperley was the incredible darkness of the Moon well in the umbra. The camera could hardly detect it. Well worth the effort and cold.
by Unknown ADAS member
