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Comet Ikeya-Zhang Observations

This from Graham S

Dear All, Forget Tegg's Nose, the Sinagola bathroom window has again proved to be a great venue for observing a comet. I finally spotted Ikeya/Zhang at 8-30 and by 9 pm it was on film. After reading all the excited e-mails I was expecting something a little more interesting; but what the hell, NOTHING can compare with Bennett and Bopp! NB. Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck; and yet methinks I have astronomy. W.S. - Graham Sin.

Isn't Graham pretentious? But fun! This from Don U

Had a nice view of the comet at Lapwing Lane on Thursday, followed it down to the horizon. Took a photograph (analogue wet chemistry) so no quick results. Carry telescopes onto quarry land is no longer an option because a barbed wire fence has been erected. Even so it is still a useful site. The biggest source of light pollution, but not much of one, is Jodrell Bank! Don

Midnight :- Paul C, Roger L, Jeff F, Richard B, Graham and Pauline C and John Tipping at Ashley all saw the Comet. John, Graham and Richard tried some regular film. Hopes for OK results? Surprisingly poor conditions. We've seen it though!

7 pm:- Richard B has forwarded this CometWatch message - AuroraWatch Alert, Thu 8 AM: Large increase in local activity, possible Sudden Storm Commencement. Keep your eyes peeled and if you see anything phone around, please!

Noon:-Amasing what the web can do! Roger L asked why ADAS membership had got NO images of the Comet and now it has 3!!! John's from the QB last night and Mark C {left 1)} and Phil M {right 2)}. Neat huh? Some from ADAS are going again to Ashley this evening to get better telescopic views and maybe more photographs. Dave T said he would be bringing along the MIA 100x80 binoculars. Should be good if it is as clear as last night!

Midnight! At the QB tonight John Tipping offered the image of I-Z which he obtained from Byley, nr. Middlewich, Cheshire 12th March. He used his Vivitar 3000S 35 mm SLR with a 200 mm f4.5 Miranda telephoto mounted on a 1 minute Scotch Mount/barn door. The film was Kodak G400 print film. He had just come from Siddington where he had viewed the Comet with Chris Heapy. Tomorrow there is a proposal to go to Roger's site at Ashley. More later!

Yippee! Graham C and Roger L got Ikeya-Zhang from Ashley, 5 miles and 15 minutes from the obs. This Comet was last here in 1640 and we didn't catch it that time! Roger christened his new Hilux 80 mm obj, 400 mm fl refractor which arrived today. Honest! We wondered if Mr Ikeya is Ikeya of Ikeya-Seki 1965. Anybody know? Roger is wondering if Ashley will do for Thursday AND Friday if the Moon is going to remain so bright!?

Another clear sunny day and not worth going to NOAA because according to the TV weather it is wall to wall clear skies and frost for gardeners. Most reports from people who went out last night was of high cloud scattering the Moonlight and conditions for Ikeya-Zhang were particularly bad when it was best placed in the sky! Can you believe it got better later by which time the Comet had set!?

The picture at left shows the clear blue sky from the obs in Timperley. Don U can be seen on the roof of the hut renewing roofing felt which had blown off in the recent gales. The damage done was relatively easy for Don and Graham C to fix. Doing the work in such nice weather made it less of a chore but it is clear the usual chore of "cutting the grass" will have to be resurrected! Don and Graham C have agreed to go to Lapwing Lane near Chelford tomorrow Thursday because Don is busy tonight and Graham C will be going to the QB.

Don Observing

by Unknown ADAS member

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