The recent inclement weather in Britain (the flooding) and the fact that this year (2000) is Sunspot maximum reminds me that the last bad storms were 1987/90, nearly one Sunspot cycle ago! This was the last time we had major Aurora Borealis, just like we have had this year (2000)! And apparently the USA has had clear skies, hot weather and drought in the midwest! The start of 2001 has had reports of coldest ever temperatures in parts of the USA and Siberia whilst Moscow has had warmer than usual temperatures. All blamed on global warming!? At least the EURO's value is NOT blamed on global warming or will it? Is there even any correlation between Sunspot cycles and El Nino? In fact is there any chance of anyone out there getting research data identified to chase up the BAD WEATHER Storms/Sunspot connection and NOT simply a temperature connection? Dr. Chris Butler of Armagh observatoryand planetarium, Northern Ireland has already demonstrated that there exists a temperature connection between Sunspot cycle length and temperature in the literature. That is for the last 200 YEARS at least! ie when there was NO global warming!? I remember recently an explanation on TV that the solar wind detector satellites sent up by NASA were there to check for particle densities in near Earth orbit to anticipate satellite interference problems. However there was also speculation that higher Sunspot activity, increasing the Solar wind density, could also result in an increase in particles getting into the Earth's atmosphere. This potentially had the knock-on effect of causing more rain generally, therefore FEWER clouds and hence clearer skies, which meant then, in warmer climes, more evaporation and therefore more water in suspension in the atmosphere. This would subsequently fall elsewhere as rain because of the increased availability of the particles on which moisture could condense. And so NASA thought Sunspots and Storms/Heavy Rains are related - QED!? Are there any storm record achives that anyone knows of and which could be accessed by private individuals? Anybody out there got any thoughts on this interesting hypothesis?
Wednesday 18th October provided an opportunity to check for Sunspots. The effort was a complete waste of time. "TWO" groups only worthy of comment and certainly not worth photographing or even going to MEES in Hawaii for a decent picture! Sadly the naked eye Sunspots reported below have gone and been replaced by a line of Sunspot "minnows"! C'est la vie. They were seen Friday 22nd September from Shrewsbury rail station (on the way to Portmeirion) using pin-hole projection, to other rail users amusement. Did anyone see any Aurora caused by them? YIPPEE!!!! Two NAKED EYE Sunspots! Can you believe it? At LONG last!!!!!! Click ON the thumbnails below to get the BIGGER pictures. You will then need to go BACK in your browser to return to this page. The BW picture is courtesy Paul Brierley from England taken at 10.15 UT 21st September. Even better you can have a look yourself at the Mees White Light Telescope image set from Hawaii, from which the first thumbnail below was taken. If you try it visually do not forget to use last year's eclipse shades!? MWLT access is indicated below.
Check out Aurora predictions from Alaska at
The Sun from Manchester England showed 4 Sunspot groups 7th July at 3pm BST.
One Sunspot was possibly naked eye!?
Keep a check on the Mees White Light telescope page if you cannot observe for yourself.
Go to the web links page for access to the Mees White Light Scope. Click HERE to quicklink the links page.
by Unknown ADAS member